Snip those stogies with impact in this Double Guillotine-style cigar cutter and watch those stainless-steel blades do their magic on your cigar. With the capacity to cut up to 64 ring gauges, it can chop off the cap of a 70RG cigar, setting you for enjoyable hits of your prime tobacco. The planetary gear system also ensures the rhythmic and harmonious closing and opening of the razor-sharp blades.
The variety of color choices is a treat and the exquisite round aluminum built is made for relentless durability and extraordinary performance. Placed in the bag, pocket, or tabletop, these best cigar cutters will stand out with its manly visuals and vibe. The surrounding intricacies and overall appearance add to the appeal and the spring-loaded blade release button seals the deal to make it a state-of-the-art cigarette tool. This is one cool cigar cutter!
Product Details:
- Double Guillotine style cigar cutter with stainless steel blades
- Aluminum body with a spring-loaded blade release button, 2.38″ diameter
- The planetary gear system ensures the blades open and closes in perfect harmony
- 64 Ring Gauge, can cut the cap of 70RG cigars
- The distinct, round aluminum body is built for relentless durability and exceptional performance